
Super-Algo is developing the algorithm based on the classical method and on the recent deep learning method for image processing including the following major aspects. All these algorithms have been proven by our customers who are leaders in the following industries: aerospace, defense, biomedical…

Super resolution

SA SF can be used to increase the resolution by single-frame image.
SA MF can be used to increase the resolution by multiple-frame images.


SA ISB can be used to stabilize the video stream taken during the low and high frequency vibrating conditions.
SA ISA can reduce the blur which is generated by the motion of cameras.

Anti-weather effects

SA AWB can be used to reduce the low-light and foggy effects during the imaging process.
SA AWA can be used to reduce the rainy, snowy and other complex weather effects during the imaging process.

Ask for a free quotation !

You have specific needs for your application? Use our software components and ask for a customization: port to your particular platform, customized user interface, complete application development. We provide specific vision-based algorithms, software, FPGA related to our highly skilled expertise.