
Through the automatic analysis module, alert operators of Super-Algo can carry out visual checks, automatic video surveillance of a set of sites.

In particular with the Super-Algo unique competence, all false alarms due to sensor noise, headlights of cars, etc. will be ignored. Super-Algo’s powerful tools can help surveillance cameras detect not only the intrusion object but also the hidden objects.


Super-Algo provides all functions of video stabilization, of super-resolution, of image improvement and of tracking moving objects for defense applications.

Super-Algo proposes:
– video stabilization to obtain a stable image in all situations;
– super-resolution to increase the resolution of the original image by 2 times, 3 times or 4 times;
– improving the sharpness of the image;
– automatic detecting the moving target for monitoring;
– the improvement in contrast, providing optimal image quality in low light conditions and in fog;
– the function of mosaïcking, creating views from multiple images (especially useful in mapping);
– removing all kinds of  weather effects to have clearer image.


Super-Algo with some partners, designed very specific software for agricultural application that can take the pixelated multiple spectral images or a stream of spectral images to reconstruct the full-resolution image and analyze the chlorophyll, xanthophyll and Carotene to predict the damage by diseases and by insects.



Carotene character – Xanthophyll character – Chlorophyll character




Super-Algo with some partners designed some very specific software for medical application that can take the pixelated multiple spectral images or a stream of spectral image to reconstruct the full-resolution image and analyze the skin’s suspicious dots to predict the skin’s potential diseases and aging process.